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Chapter 9: What Does a Number Talk Look Like at My Grade Level?
Chapter 9 is a facilitators guided and provides a closer look at the schools/teachers highlighted in the DVD (grades K, 2, 3, and 5).
A math time structure is shared for each level and discussion questions for the videos are presented.
A school-wide perspective is also given so readers can understand the importance of consistency among number talk content from year to year even with the natural variation in personalities, classroom structures/environment, etc.
Parrish stresses the importance of/consistency in ...
- the teaching of the big ideas in mathematics
- instruction as asking not telling
- the development of safe learning communities
- an unwavering quest for making sense
Love, LOVE this closing quote from Parrish, "The mark of a master teacher is the ability to reflect on his practice." SO TRUE! For this reason, a series of questions for personal reflection are given.
If you have participated in this book study along with us, or have read Number Talks, you undoubtedly had many moments of personal reflection. I have found affirmation for what I strongly believe to be true about teaching mathematics, have a new-found knowledge of the power of using the number talk structure presented in the text, and am inspired as I move forward with my students.
Even more important are the cheers I hear from my students when I say it's time for a number talk and the mathematical thinking and sharing that follows! Thanks to Sherry Parrish for her phenomenal contribution to our profession!
Speaking of Sherry Parrish, we will announce the date of her Q & A as the day draws near, so look for a facebook shout out coming soon.
A thank you also goes out to Tara, the Elementary Math Maniac, for hosting the book study and all of our adventurers who have followed along.
Lastly--you will want to stop back this coming Sunday for another Fly on the Math Teacher's Wall Hop! The topic is fractions, so we'll see you then!
All the best--
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